Saturday, January 7, 2012

Have you missed me?

I started a new job and then fell off the face of the Earth.  I'm still here.  Just working much longer days which doesn't leave time for myself or my blog.  :(  I will try to do better, but it probably won't be much more frequent until my husband lifts the hiring freeze on the full-time position of housewife.  Until that day comes, I'll try to keep up with short posts and a few pics on the Life in the City & the Sticks facebook page.

A lot has happened in the past 2 months.

We went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving and hung out with some of my fam.

cutest cakeballs ever

my cousin caught a fish from the stream? in the backyard

drank quite a few beers including the local O'Fallon Gold

teaching the youngin

devouring chili cheese late night

Freese cup!

Intercontinental Freese Cup Runners-up

My hubby finally met my Grandpa.  

We played cards and had Imo's pizza which is #4 on my fave pizza list.  I think that was just because it had been so long since I had it.  I definitely got my fix over the weekend.  I think I had it 4 separate times.  That alone should push it into top 3.

I loved watching OSU football this season at Stillwater Bar.  T. Boone Pickens even hung out there with us one night.  And we got to watch the Pokes play in the Garden (unfortunately iphoto just deleted those pics).

We had some friends from Kentucky visit, but somehow I don't have any pictures?!  They brought some awesome bourbon.  That's a trade for housing anytime!

December 21st we celebrated our first anniversary.  I can't believe how fast the year flew by!  I've loved every minute of it and glad I get to spend the rest of my days with him.  We went to the top of the Marriott hotel to have dinner.  This was our view...

No, we didn't trade tables 3 times, the restaurant rotated!  One revolution took about an hour.  I really enjoyed the food, view, and of course spending time with this cutie...

It was a rainy night so we postponed the carriage ride and headed home to pop some champagne.

 If taking down the Christmas tree doesn't wear me out, I'll continue the updates tomorrow!

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